Adtelfree Classified

Select Browse Matrix Combination

This form allows you to create a table.

This page lets you define a browse matrix :

  1. select combination of two fields ;
  2. values of the first will be used for rows and values of the second for columns ;
  3. on next page, search matrix will be generated ;
  4. you will be able to search for items with row and column value.
Note that matrices which would include fields marked with a * may take longer to generate.

You can also define the browse matrix using a form.

age : delivery (count)
age : payment (count)
age : category (count)
age : status (count)
age : giftaid (count)
age : record date (count)

delivery : age (count)
delivery : payment (count)
delivery : category (count)
delivery : status (count)
delivery : giftaid (count)
delivery : record date (count)

payment : age (count)
payment : delivery (count)
payment : category (count)
payment : status (count)
payment : giftaid (count)
payment : record date (count)

category : age (count)
category : delivery (count)
category : payment (count)
category : status (count)
category : giftaid (count)
category : record date (count)

status : age (count)
status : delivery (count)
status : payment (count)
status : category (count)
status : giftaid (count)
status : record date (count)

giftaid : age (count)
giftaid : delivery (count)
giftaid : payment (count)
giftaid : category (count)
giftaid : status (count)
giftaid : record date (count)

record date
record date : age (count)
record date : delivery (count)
record date : payment (count)
record date : category (count)
record date : status (count)
record date : giftaid (count)

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